Monday, September 26, 2011

Tripoli and the Organ grinder?

The shape and form of the forthcoming Libyan/British relationship is of major interest to those of us Libyans that live on this European island. It is even more of an issue for people like myself that have lived the vast majority of our lives in the UK. A place as much home as Belashher, Tajoura. Will it be a symbiotic relationship, akin to the bird and the hippo? Or more parasitic? Or will the organ grinder keep playing a merry little ditty for the monkey? It's a relationship that will matter greatly to Libya as she tries to emerge from a period where potential has taken a massive backseat to results. Britain can make Libya acceptable. They can make it sought after. And they can provide the expertise and business governance needed if Libya wants to become a "player". Britain isn't the power it was, even as recently as the Thatcher years. But its influence is still felt.

As with any people, the opinions on this point amongst Libyans is varied. There a many in Libya who want the relationship to thrive, to bring in much needed investment. These people are the ones who are desperate for work, and the influx of foreign firms will increase the number and quality of those jobs. There are those who have long enough memories who fear a return to the "friendship" that was prominent during the monarchy. It was an affair that sowed the seeds of the Gaddafi revolution and gave the "Free Officers" legitimacy. Then there's the fear that the UK will influence Libya down a path that is not "Libyan" - a phrase that is difficult to define but easy to recognise.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

For you is your way of life and for me mine......

While growing up in London during the 80's, I dreamt about the time Gaddafi would go and allow the Libyan nation to be an Islamic nation. After all, it is a 100% Muslim nation, populated by a people whose level of practising may vary but whose staunch belief never wavers. In my youthful, beautiful naivety I never imagined this could ever be controversial. After all, Libya is 100% Muslim nation. Why should that be an issue to anyone?

Obviously, I now know that the secular and democratic ideals of "Tolerance" and "Live and Let Live" are only meant to apply domestically and have no place in foreign policy. And so, with victory against Gaddafi assured, the scaremongers come crawling out to inform the world that alot of the fighters are "Islamists", with ties to al-Qaeda. And with that they play to the fearful prejudice that has been instilled within their people.

It's an amazing word "Islamist". There aren't too many in the English language that compete. It is a word with so much negative connotation but with no meaning to it whatsoever. And it's etymology would suggest it comes from the word "Islamism". A word that is never used and so "Islamist" is a word with little origin. Say "Islamist" to your "man on the street" and thoughts of big beards, multiple wives, suicide bombing and world domination come to mind. But how do you really define an "Islamist" (sorry, the quotes are going to remain throughout as it's an odd word)? Essentially, an "Islamist" is a follower of Islam, right? However, we have a word for that, which is Muslim. So that can't be it. OK, so an "Islamist" is a fighter who fights in the name of Islam? Nope, that is a Mujahid. Someone who believes in the rule of Allah over the rule of man? Nope, Muslim again. It's a word that is akin to the words "Mussleman" and "Mohammedan". Words with no meaning but much influence. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Women's Rights in Libya

When I wrote The People's Manifesto, my family pointed out one glaring omission. The freedoms and rights of women in Libya. This wasn't, it shouldn't be noted, an accident. Not because I don't believe in women's can I not, since our Prophet made it a cornerstone of social interaction. It was just that, Libya for me has been a paragon of women's rights. Where the balance of equality and social responsibility is maintained. I didn't think it was something that Libya and Libyans needed to worry about from a constitutional standpoint. However, it appears that not everyone holds my opinion on the female standing within Libyan society. There seems to be a belief that women in Libya are second-class citizens, who have no part to play in society than to have and bring up children - why this is belittled I am not sure.

So, let me start off with an amendment to The People's Manifesto.

It is the solemn belief of the Libyan people that females are held in the highest esteem in our society. That as our mothers, daughters, sisters and wives it is the duty of our society to ensure they respected, safe and adored. That they have full rights to their own wealth and that no man has any rights upon that wealth. That no man should lay a finger on them and that no harm should become them. It is our belief that women have a voice and that they will have a say in how this country will be run. Allah has provided women with a nature that is opposite to man so that they may work with men to make Libya the beautiful balanced society we dream of. It is not only a right, but a duty that women play a full and active part in politics, as their wisdom and softness of nature can only benefit the nation. But it is without fear that we express our belief that the greatest duty a woman has to society is as a woman. A large nation is a strong nation and it is through them that we will become strong. And it is our mothers that ensure that the importance of family is upheld. There is no greater enforcer of morality than our mothers and we will ensure they have the power and rights to make our society great.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The People's Manifesto

In the aftermath of our fighters’ and heroes’ victory against a tyrant and dictator that has held back our beautiful country for too long, where do we go next? This is the hope of us, the Libyan people.

We will endeavour to create a fair and free society, where the rights and freedoms of the people take precedence over the rights and freedom of the individual. We wish to be part of a tolerant nation where people of all religious persuasions feel safe and free to live in Libya and practice their religion. Where the colour of your skin is not a barrier to your safety and progress in life. And the station of your family has no bearing in your pursuit for betterment. We will be free from corruption and from the accusations of corruption.

Our values are in line with the Quran and the Sunnah of The Messenger of Allah according to the understanding of the salaf and scholars of our religion, and where we contradict either we will correct ourselves and ask Allah for forgiveness. The people of Libya are fully Muslim. And we will safeguard the rights of others as according to Allah and His Messenger. Based on this we reject all that is in contradiction with our religion and we will not be swayed. It is also our understanding that the aqeedah of the people differs and we do not hold one aqeedah but we encourage the people of knowledge and understanding to teach the people. We will encourage investment in dawah to ensure the image of muslim people is strong across the world so that they are safe wherever they may chose to live.